
By now, I’m sure everyone has heard about or seen the viral video spreading across the Internet about Joseph Kony.  If you haven’t, then click HERE.  Kony is a brutal thug, to be sure.  The video is not fabricating his attrocities against children and Ugandans.  And yet, there are many brutal thugs and dictators in the world that don’t have videos asking the world’s citizens and foreign powers to overthrow them.  So, the question I have for you is: why Kony and not someone else?

Is it possible that the slick viral video “Invisible Children” and the championed hunt for Joseph Kony is merely a new, more insidious form of information warfare: namely, 21st century human rights imperialism? Interestingly enough, Uganda recently announced the discovery of viable oil reserves in the northern part of the country, which is estimated to contain over 2.5 billion barrels of oil. Are human rights being used as a convenient pretext for intervention (like Libya…).

I’m not condoning Kony.  He is a monster.  There is no doubt that there needs to be awareness about the plight of child soldiers.  However, I want you to learn to question the world around you.  To think critically.

Read the following links to gain a new perspective on the Kony ad campaign:

Do you even know where Uganda is? http://i.imgur.com/f5kWl.jpg

Where is Kony anyway?http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/03/07/guest_post_joseph_kony_is_not_in_uganda_and_other_complicated_things

Who is the organization”Invisible Children” and what are they all about? http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2012/03/kony-2012-wrapping-imperialiam-in.html



Could anyone else be doing terrible things in Uganda? http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/09/british-corporation-mass-murdering.html

Why else might the US send commandos to Uganda?




How might oil be involved?





What about other war torn areas?


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